FEMM Analysis for Power Planes

Jan 7, 2021

Instructions for using FEMM program to analyze current densities of PCB Planes/Traces.  Only useful for a single plane as multiple power planes of the same signals cannot be analyzed.


Export from PCB Layout

1.       Fill all planes/copper shapes for PCB.

2.       Select the layer to be exported including Board Outline, 2D Lines, Copper Pours or Planes, Traces.

3.      Export to DXF format 

Import into FEMM

1.       In FEMM create a new project File->New

2.       Select “Current Flow Problem” in the “Create a new problem” dialog

3.       Import DXF file using File->Import DXF

a.       Select file that was exported from PADS Layout

b.       Use default “Tolerance for DXF Import”

4.        Wait for import to complete (complex designs will take longer)

5.       Simplify the imported design

a.       Delete unnecessary point (ones not being analyzed)

b.       Reduce Arc complexity by selecting arc points, pressing “Space Bar” and make Max Segments filed to 45 degrees.

c.       Check that polygons are closed (most likely for planes)

Setup Materials

1.       Setup material for Copper and Air select Properties->Materials and create new properties

a.       Copper (sigma = 59600000)


b.       Air (sigma = 0)


Setup Conductor Properties

Output Voltage and Input Currents

1.       Setup Conductor Properties of copper, select Properties->Conductors

2.       Create a property for each signal Source and Sink points; <SIGNAL NAME>_<{SOURCE,SINK}> (ie: V28_POS_SOURCE)

a.       Source has a Fixed Voltage (nominal)

b.       Sink has a Fixed Negative Current (max)

c.       Ground/Return Source has Fixed Zero Voltage

d.       Ground/Return Sink has a fixed Positive Current (max)

Assign Copper and Air Plane Areas

1.       To assign and area as Copper or Air Material, select the “Operate on Block Label” button 

2.       Left click in a copper plane area to set a Block Label with default label <None>.

3.       Right click on this label to select it.

4.        Press Space Bar to bring up “Properties for selected block” to modify Block type

5.       From the “Block type” drop-down, select “Copper” and click OK button

6.       Use the PCB Layer in PADS Layout to assign the Copper Block type to all the areas of Copper, including component pads and all the copper areas.

7.       Add Block Labels and Assign Block Types to areas that are not Copper Planes/Traces/Pads, but select “Set as default block label” check box in the Properties for selected block

Assign Conductors

1.       To assign Conductors to Sources and Sinks, select the “Operate on nodes” button

2.       Right click on a Square Box Node in the Drawing area to select it

3.       Press space Bar to bring up “Specify Nodal Property” dialog box to assign a Conductor.

4.       From the “In conductor” drop-down, select to Source or Sink that that point belongs to.  Generally, a pad or through-hole would be as source/sink and all Nodes (Square Box) need to be assigned

5.       To select multiple points of a pad or trace use one of these buttons  to draw a box or circle to select the points then use Space Bar for “Specify Nodal Property”

6.       Every Conductor Source and Sink needs to be defined as part of a node for the analysis to be done.

General Setup for Analysis.

1.       Setup parameter for analysis select the Problem menu and a Problem Definition dialog will open

2.       Set Length Units to Mils

3.       Set Frequency, Hz to 1 (DC analysis)

4.       Set Depth to Layer Thickness (from PADS Layout)


½ oz

0.7 mils

1 oz

1.4 mils

2 oz

2.8 mils

3 oz

4.2 mils

4 oz

5.6 mils

5.       Create the analysis mesh select menu Analysis->Create Mesh after a few minutes (<10mins) a mesh of triangles will be created and the status will be shown

6.       Verify that Copper Planes are defined in Yellow.  If they are not double check that Materials and Conductors are properly assigned. Check that the shapes are closed.

Run and View Analysis

1.       To run the analysis, select menu Analysis->Analyze

2.       A Status dialog will appear and a progress meter will appear below “BiConjugate Gradient Solver”.  After a few minutes (<10mins) it will complete and close. If it takes too long simplify the design after importing the DXF, also double check proper settings for “Conductor Properties”

3.       To view the results, select the menu Analysis->View and a new window tab will open with a color gradient map for the Plane Areas.

4.       Select menu View->Density to change to the Current Density dialog.

5.       Set Plotted Value to “RE(J) (A/m^2)”

6.       Set Lower Bound to “0”

7.       Set Upper Bound to “15500000” (approx. double the recommended current density for copper)

8.       To the Right of the window is the Legend

9.       The recommended Current Density for Copper (unless otherwise specified by the PCB manufacturer) is 5mA/mil2 or 77500000A/m2.  The Planes will have varying density but should be below 7.750e+006 (Sunny Yellow) in the legend.

10.   This tool cannot analyze multiple planes at the same time.


These are general guidelines.

1.       Increase the Plane thickness (1/2 oz -> 1oz copper) and adjust in Problem Definition and re-run Analysis.

2.       Add additional layers, but FEMM cannot analyze more than one at a time and the current share between planes is not equal.  If a plane is double, adjust the Problem Definition Depths times two.

3.       Remove cutouts and obstacles in the plane (re-import the new DXF file).

4.       Make a plane wider (re-import the new DXF file).