Safer Sparkfun Pro Micro

Sep 7, 2019
I needed an Arduino type board that had these requirements
  1.  Fused
  2.  Protected digital outputs.
  3.  IO was 3.3V
  4.  Rugged USB.
I didn't want the Arduino to consume all the power if there was a short.

Protected Digital Outputs
If an output was directly connected to ground I didn't want that pin to be shorted out and fail.

IO 3.3V
Everything is 3.3V now.  Sensors, serial ports, Bluetooth is all 3.3V.  I didn't want to have to put level translators everywhere.

Rugged USB
I needed a through-hole well-supported USB connector for repeated plugging and unplugging.

Sparkfun produces the Pro Micro in a 3V/8MHz variant, but its small form factor did not allow any fusing or other protections.

So I made my own based on firmware provided by Sparkfun for the Pro Micro 3V/8MHz.

  • Fused to 750mA
  • Dx IO protected by 100-ohm resistor
  • 3.3V operation
  • All IO fully broken-out
  • Programming Header
  • Through-hole USB B full size
  • All components on Top side and had solderable
  • All the standard IO broken out to Dual Female Header for two connections per pin
  • 5cm x 5cm board ( compatible) two-layers only

I left off the Reference Designators for the part because of the end-user.  There aren't many different components so building it isn't too difficult.

To program the bootloader, use my previous post Program Raw Atmeg32u4 to Sparkfun Pro Micro 3V/8MHz Bootloader

To program with Arduino IDE use Sparkfun Pro Micro 3V/8MHZ Installing the Arduino Addon.

I have extra PCBs that were made but not used.  Contact me through the Contact page